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Diplomat Protection Group Ibiza

Revolutionizing Ibiza's Security Industry with Direct Access to Experts

In a local industry - aggressively manipulated by Concierge and middlemen, Diplomat Protection Group Ibiza® stands as the Voice of Change. The traditional practice of clients hiring Bodyguards and Villa Security through local concierge and intermediaries has eroded the quality & effectiveness of the island's security industry.


These middlemen have disproportionately siphoned off the clients payment as their profit, severely reducing the earning capacity of highly-skilled professionals.

The result? A mass exodus of highly-trained security professionals, the rapid growth of an amateur workforce, and wealthy tourists - left exposed to crime as a result of hiring ineffective security services through their Concierge.

private security companies Ibiza

"Proud to be the only British Security Group with a permanent operation in Ibiza"

24 hours per day, 7 days per week

All Year Round

The Detrimental Impact of Intermediaries in Ibiza:

  1. Reduced Earning Capacity: Ibiza's middleman-culture has significantly reduced the income of local security experts [and other professional service sectors], discouraging the best and brightest from staying in Ibiza. 

  2. Quality Exodus: The mass departure of seasoned experts is a direct response to the saturation of Concierge activities - reducing the overall standards of private, freelance services in Ibiza.

  3. Refusal to Collaborate: Remaining local industry professionals have cut relationships with the middleman sectors to protect their reputations and earning capacity - ensuring that concierge cannot guarantee the highest quality services to their clients in Ibiza.

  4. Risk to Clients: Local concierge and middlemen prioritize profits over quality, partnering with the lowest-cost (most profitable) security providers. This compromises client safety by prioritizing financial gains over the effectiveness of essential security measures required to protect clients from sophisticated crimes in Ibiza.

  5. Rising Crime Rates: The saturation of the local security industry with low-level, ineffective services has indirectly contributed to the surge in crimes against wealthy tourists and residents alike. Profit-driven choices by middlemen have left their clients exposed to crime and jeopardized community safety.


Diplomat Protection Group Ibiza - A Paradigm Shift:

  1. Direct Access to Professionals: We champion direct connections between clients and Ibiza's genuine security professionals, ensuring that your payment goes directly towards securing the expertise you desperately need in Ibiza.

  2. Fair Compensation: By eliminating unnecessary middlemen, you restore fair compensation for the security professionals that you expect to confront danger on your behalf... encouraging an increase in top-tier talent to the industry. 

  3. Client-Centric Approach: Our commitment is to prioritize client safety. We operate a team of highly-skilled security professionals, guaranteeing effective solutions, confront targeted crimes, and protect our clients from the risks that exist in Ibiza.

  4. Community Safety Initiative: We recognize that Ibiza's security is a communal effort. By restoring trust in our industry, we can reduce targeted crimes and enhance overall public safety on our island.

Join Diplomat Protection Group on our mission to redefine security services in Ibiza. Say no to middlemen, and say yes to a safe, crime-free experience whilst you're here on the island. Explore our insightful content and discover how you can help restore the highest levels of confidence in Ibiza's Private Security Industry.

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warning, do not hire security in Ibiza through middlemen

If you're not in direct contact with us,  you're not being protected by us!

Diplomat Protection Group® is the leading authority on private security services in Ibiza. Contacting us directly is the only way to be certain that you are being protected by our team.

Sadly, we continue to discover imposter, fakes & middlemen attempting to use our name & reputation for financial gain. 

To avoid any confusion:

  • Island-based Concierge / Middlemen are not authorised to accept bookings for services by Diplomat Protection Group®. Offshore concierge, clients or their P.A's are invited to contact us directly to hire our services.


  • We do not collaborate with any local business offering security services in Ibiza. Beware of others claiming to be members of our team or promoting themselves as our 'preferred-partners'.


  • Our security services can only be hired via our official contact channels:

(Spain +34) 626826042

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